How our products work

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What  slows   down  hair, skin & nail growth?

To understand what makes your hair grow faster, we first need to look at the three main contributing factors that slow down hair growth.

Growth Cycles reduce

Your hair has 4 cycles; growing, resting, shedding and transition cycles. A healthy growing cycle can last between 5 - 7 years but is shortened by medications, changes in the body and poor lifestyle habits.

Lack of Nutrients

Your hair, skin and nails needs a daily dose of specific aminos, vitamins and minerals to grow (all 9 essential aminos, calcium, chromium, magnesium, Vit B's, Vit C, Vit D, Vit E, selenium, zinc, potassium, manganese, magnesium, chromium (all of which are in our products)

Slow Cell Activity

Free radicals, impurities and unhealthy lifestyle habits cause your cell activity to slow down. Signs of free-radical build up includes a weak immune system, dull and dry hair, wrinkled skin, weak or brittle nails to mention a few.
  • Shortened Cycles

    Each of your hair follicles goes through four cycles: growing, resting, shedding, and transitioning. A healthy growing cycle can last between 5 to 7 years but can be shortened by illness, medication, hormonal changes, and poor lifestyle habits.
  • Lack of nutrients

    Your hair, skin, and nails need a daily dose of specific amino acids, vitamins, and minerals to grow including: 9 essential aminos, calcium, chromium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, potassium, manganese, chromium, and vitamins B, C, D, and E (All of which are found in our products).
  • Slow Cellular Activity

    Free radicals, impurities, and unhealthy lifestyle habits cause your cellular activity to slow down.  A few signs of free-radical build up in your body include: a weakened immune system, dull dry hair, wrinkled skin, and weak or brittle nails.




Clinically proven



Behind our Products
Our products contain our Advanced Amino Formula made up of 5 key ingredients that are proven to speed up hair and nail growth, and improve collagen synthesis.  
Our ingredients are clinically proven to:
Increase hair growth speed by up to:
Increase hair density by up to:
Prolong hair growing cycle by up to:
Increase nail growth speed by up to:
Increase collagen synthesis by up to:


Clinically proven

Our products contain a clinically proven formula of ingredients designed to speed up hair and nail growth and collagen synthesis.  
Our ingredients are clinically proven to;
improve hair growth speed by up to
prolong hair growing cycle by up to:
increase nail growth speed by up to:
increase collagen synthesis by up to:


How we  speed   up  hair,  skin & nail growth

Let's unpack the science behind each of our products and how we holistically help your body achieve up to 3 x faster growing hair, skin, and nails.

Jumpstart Growth


Jumpstart your 
hair growth

Advanced Amino Capsules

These capsules create a clean and healthy, nutrient rich environment within your skin and follicles. It contains key ingredients that are clinically proven to jumpstart hair growth and trigger collagen production for beautiful, faster growing hair and nails and more radiant glowing skin from the inside out.

Increase Collagen and Keratin Production


Boost your collagen & keratin

Vegan Collagen Formula

Quick Grow Vegan Collagen is a Complete Collagen producing formula containing all the ingredients and collagen precursors your body needs to form your own natural collagen in the skin.

Prolong Growing Cycles


Prolong your hairs growing cycles

Shampoos and Conditioners

Our biotin rich shampoos and conditioners are designed to detox the scalp and deposit our Advanced Amino Formula to assist in prolonging your growing cycles and encourages more hair follicles to remain in a healthy growing cycle for longer.

Prevent Split Ends and Breakage


Prevent split ends & breakage

Treatment Masques

Quick Grow treatment masques contain caviar extract and BioRestore® technology that works deep within your hair to replenish lost keratin and restore elasticity. This prevents split ends from forming and results in hair that is deeply conditioned, up to 60% stronger, 20% shinier, and intensely repaired from the inside out.

Protect Length


Protect your length

Smoothing Treatment

This treatment forms a protective keratin coating surrounding the outer cuticles of your hair protecting it from damage, breakage and moisture loss. This treatment smooths down your outer cuticles to give you smooth, shiny hair with natural movement and restored elasticity and shine.